Hope and Health Waco

Assisted Stretching

Stretching as a healing technique isn’t a new concept. The benefits of assisted stretching can include an increase in flexibility, boosting energy levels, managing stress, and much more. We offer small group guided stretching and one on one guided and passive stretching.

Why Stretch

Stretching has enormous benefits when it comes to healing your body. As professionals, we must identify each body’s limitations and strengthen these problem areas to improve overall health. Some benefits you might experience from assisted stretching include:

  • Increase Flexibility
  • Blood Circulation and Range of Motion
  • Boosting Energy
  • Lowering Stress Levels
  • Decreasing Pain, Stiffness, and Risk of Injury

join us every tuesday and thursday
for our 30 min group sessions

stretching with age

As we age, our muscle tissue becomes stiffer, and it can cause several issues for the body. Stretching allows blood and oxygen to flow into hardened areas of fascia, allowing them to become fluid, hydrated, and mobile again.

Common complaints as we age, such as stiff joints, tight muscles, and body aches, can be reversed for avoided when consistently stretching. By stretching, you can improve your body’s mobility to help reduce the risk of injuries in the future.